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Gigarom Macintosh Archives (Quantum Leap)(CDRM1080320)(1993).iso
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; PP 1.0 : (C) Copyright 1985 by Gregory Frascadore
; This software may be copied, modified, and distributed to others as long
; as it is not sold for profit, and as long as this copyright notice is
; retained intact. For further information contact the author at:
; frascado%umn-cs.CSNET (on CSNET)
; 75106,662 (on CompuServe)
; PP 1.0
; PP is a function for producing pretty-printed XLISP code. Version 1.0
; works with XLISP 1.4 and may work with other versions of XLISP or other
; lisp systems.
; Version 1.0 - Original version, 11 April 1985 by Gregory Frascadore.
; pp
; This function pretty-prints an s-expression.
; format
; (pp <expr> [<sink>] )
; <expr> the expression to print.
; <sink> optional. the sink to print to. defaults to
; *standard-output*
; <maxlen> the threshold that pp uses to determine when an expr
; should be broken into several lines. The smaller the
; value, the more lines are used. Defaults to 45 which
; seems reasonable and works well too.
(defun pp (*expr &optional *sink *maxlen)
(if (null *sink) (setq *sink *standard-output*))
(if (null *maxlen) (setq *maxlen 45))
(let ((pp-stack* nil) (pp-istack* '(0)) (pp-currentpos* 0))
(pp-expr *expr)
(pp-newline) t) )
(defun pp-expr (*expr)
(cond ((consp *expr)
(pp-list *expr) )
(t (pp-prin1 *expr)) ) )
; pp-list
; Pretty-print a list expression.
; IF <the flatsize length of *expr is less than *maxlen>
; THEN print the expression on one line,
; IF <the car of the expression is an atom>
; THEN print the expression in the following form:
; "(atom <item1>
; <item2>
; ...
; <itemn> )"
; IF <the car of the expression is a list>
; THEN print the expression in the following form:
; "(<list1>
; <item2>
; ...
; <itemn> )"
(defun pp-list (*expr)
(cond ((< (flatsize *expr) *maxlen)
(pp-prin1 *expr) )
((atom (car *expr))
(pp-prin1 (car *expr))
(pp-princ " ")
(pp-rest (cdr *expr))
(pp-finish) )
(t (pp-start)
(pp-rest *expr)
(pp-finish) ) ) )
; pp-rest
; pp-expr each element of a list and do a pp-newline after every call to
; pp-expr except the last.
(defun pp-rest (*rest)
(do* ((item* *rest (cdr item*)))
((null item*))
(pp-expr (car item*))
(if (not (null (cdr item*))) (pp-newline)) ) )
; pp-newline
; Print out a newline character and indent to the current margin setting
; which is maintained at the top of the pp-istack. Note that is the
; current top of the pp-stack* is a ")" we push a " " so that we will know
; to print a space before closing any parenthesis which were started on a
; different line from the one they are being closed on.
(defun pp-newline ()
(if (eql ")" (pp-top pp-stack*)) (pp-push " " pp-stack*))
(terpri *sink)
(spaces (pp-top pp-istack*) *sink)
(setq pp-currentpos* (pp-top pp-istack*)) )
; pp-finish
; Print out the closing ")". If the top of the pp-stack* has a " " on it,
; then print out the space, then the ")" , and then pop both off the stack.
(defun pp-finish ()
(cond ((eql ")" (pp-top pp-stack*))
(pp-princ ")") )
(pp-princ " )")
(pp-pop pp-stack*) ) )
(pp-pop pp-stack*) )
; pp-start
; Start printing a list. ie print the "(" and push a ")" on the pp-stack*
; so that pp-finish knows to print a ")" when closing an list.
(defun pp-start ()
(pp-princ "(")
(pp-push ")" pp-stack*) )
; pp-princ
; Prints out an expr without any quotes and updates the pp-currentpos*
; pointer so that we know where on the line the cursor is at.
(defun pp-princ (*expr)
(setq pp-currentpos* (+ pp-currentpos* (flatc *expr)))
(princ *expr *sink) )
; pp-prin1
; Does the same thing as pp-prin1, except that the expr is printed with
; quotes if needed. Hence pp-prin1 uses flatsize to calc expr length instead
; of flatc.
(defun pp-prin1 (*expr)
(setq pp-currentpos* (+ pp-currentpos* (flatsize *expr)))
(prin1 *expr *sink) )
(defmacro pp-push (*item *stack)
`(setq ,*stack (cons ,*item ,*stack)) )
(defmacro pp-pop (*stack)
`(let ((top* (car ,*stack)))
(setq ,*stack (cdr ,*stack))
top*) )
(defun pp-top (*stack) (car *stack))
(defun pp-pushmargin ()
(pp-push pp-currentpos* pp-istack*) )
(defun pp-popmargin ()
(pp-pop pp-istack*) )